revised draft no. 2
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1. Introduction
Part I: Assignment of Semantic Functions
1. Source of Function Labels and Initial Characterizations
2. Lexical Rules (Verbal Case Frames)
3. Formal Rules
Part II: Critical Consideration of the Semantic Encoding Scheme
4. Adequacy of Scheme
5. Redundancy and Decomposition
* * *
1. Introduction
1.1 The working paper HSEIWP96.2, ""Theory-Neutral" Syntactic
Tagging of the Text," presents a brief outline of the encoding
scheme and indicates the theorizing behind it. This paper,
HSEIWP96.4, is the sister of HSEIWP96.3, "On the Syntactic
Encoding of the Text," which examines choices in implementation
of phrase-structure parsing and assignment of syntactic case. It
was thought useful to separate out the semantic case or
"functions" for independent consideration here in HSEIWP96.4.
1.2 These three working papers, together with the independent
work by Kirk Lowery, HSEIWP96.1, which introduces the Encoding
project and its goals, constitute a basic documentation package
to accompany the HSEI texts, initially of Jonah with the four
books of Samuel-Kings to follow.
Part I: Assignment of Semantic Functions
1. Source of Function Labels and Initial Characterizations
1.1 To date, the source of the semantic tags has been Kirk
Lowery's paper, "The Role of Semantics in the Adequacy of
Syntactic Models of Biblical Hebrew," pp. 101-128 in Bible and
Computer: Desk and Discipline: The Impact of Computers in Bible
Studies: Proceedings of the Fourth International Colloquium of
the Association Internationale Bible et Informatique (AIBI),
Amsterdam, 15-18 August 1994 (Travaux de Linguistique
Quantitative, no. 57; Paris: Honore Champion, 1995):
1.2 This scheme appears to strike a balance between fine- and
coarse-grained approaches to Biblical Hebrew semantic functions.
The goal is to apply the labels in a consistent fashion so that
they can be easily manipulated by the discrimating functionalist
1.3 In initial attempts to tag Jonah and fragments of other
texts, the semantic roles where the most difficult to assign
confidently and systematically. I have adopted a series of formal
rules to aid the encoder in this more difficult area of tagging,
which are now outlined. It is hoped that such rules might be
developed into lexical "features" of verbs; and that such a
lexicon could be invoked in the envisioned unification-based
parsing of the text.
2. Lexical Rules (Verbal Case Frames)
2.1 Verbs of Motion. The
strictly for the constituent in motion; this may be the argument
of the verb, e.g., hlk, or independently motivated by
prepositions such as el "to." The theme may be the subject
or the object , in which case the subject is the agent
There are therefore two schemas. Here as elsewhere the question
of the redundancy of the syntactic case assignment arises.
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2.2 Verbs of Cognition. The paired functions "experiencer"
is expected that typically
subject position
2.3 Verbs of Speech. These verbs are not assigned semantic-
functional labels, only
for the addressee.
2.4 Verbs of Exchange. Under the interpretation of "theme"
adopted, i.e., the constituent in motion, that which is exchanged
is analyzed as a theme. The subject will necessarily be an agent
dative assignment
similarly to verbs of motion.
3. Formal Rules
3.1 Purpose
l- "to" which in turn governs the 9al "on" in 9al ken "therefore" automatically triggers s are assigned 9al triggers 9im "with" is assigned s appear to be 9im , l- "to" as noted in section
3.2 Why/Reason
The complex construction with be-$el-l-mi is assigned
3.4 A
3.5 The
3.6 The
Part II: Critical Consideration of the Semantic Encoding Scheme
4. Adequacy of Scheme
4.1 The scheme as applied to the text of Jonah does not present
any insurmountable difficulties. Nevertheless, scholars using the
database would be well advised to consider the slipperiness of
the semantics in working with the results of searches.
4.2 It seems unlikely that the full range of semantic tags would
be required for automated parsing. However, there is the question
of the relative order of verbal modifiers; and the more fine-
grained scheme here should facilitate testing hypotheses in this
5. Redundancy and Decomposition
5.1 Redundancy and the Lexicon. There appears to be a great deal
of redundancy at the lexical level. Individual
redundantly associated with semantic tags, e.g., the
"with" and the function
extend to the arguments of verbs as noted in section 2 above.
Given the verb is, e.g., yd9 "to know," the subject
redundantly tagged
5.2 Such observations, however, hold out hope for automated
tagging. Lexical entries could in some fashion bear semantic
"features" that could be used in assigning semantic "functions."
5.3 Consideration of a lexicon and its structure suggests that
many of the semantic-function labels are not "primitives" but are
subject to decomposition. The label
to be a function of a particular
3 above.
5.4 Such considerations suggest that groups might be related
systematically at a more primitive level. No doubt
5.5 The basic suggestion is that individual heads
semantic features into representations by virtue of their lexical
representations. These features can percolate and interact with
features and syntactic configurations to produce the ultimate
assignment of "function" to a given
5.6 An example might be the assignment of
in Genesis 1:1. Under the null hypothesis, b- "in" might be
other hand, re$it will bring with it the feature
of its semantic lexical entry. The proposal can be graphically
represented in (a) and (b).
(a) variables in < > (b) variables bound by
PP < > PP
/ \ / \
P NP < > --> P NP
| | | |
b- < > N b-
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